Saturday, July 31, 2010

Castro and Osama are Laden to Barraco Obama

Castro speaks with authority to the American People and his statement is clear; VOTE for Barraco Obama. Why you ask? Well several other Democratic Candidates have stated that when Castro dies that they would like to seed democratic rule and democracy in Cuba. It is amazing that Castro even at his age is still trying to influence American Politics and if he has his way, he sees a lot of hope in Barraco Osama as President of the United States.

If you will recall Obama did mention that if he was elected president he would go visit Castro, Hugo Chavez, the President of Iran, whose name no one can spell or pronounce and Kim Jon Il of North Korea. Perhaps Obama would also open up negotiations and go visit Osama too? After all both their fathers were Muslim. As crazy as this all sound Obama has a huge following in the US and Castro knows it and wants to help him get elected:

CNN: Add another name to the list of political observers who think a Clinton-Obama ticket would be unbeatable: Cuban leader Fidel Castro. In an editorial in Cuba's communist party newspaper, Granma, the ailing dictator said the pairing of the two White House hopefuls seemed "invincible," according to an English translation."
The question is would you vote for Obama, knowing that Fidel Castro, Cuba's Dictator wants him to lead you? Many say it does not matter what Castro thinks, provided he is indeed still capable of complex thought, they are voting for Osama anyway, because he is America's new hope. Obama will most likely take the Black American vote by storm and this worries many other Presidential hopeful competitors. What say you?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Democratic policies - policies be reasonable, and do my path!

Democratic political policies are a long ways away from reaching across the isle to the Republican political policies. Even though President Obama is giving a lot of lip service to including Republicans in planning what to include in the $850 thousand plus stimulus package, it is obvious that his mind is already made up and he has his package already planned. This is seen by the words he mouthed just the other day, "I won. I'm President. It'll be my way."

Nancy Pelosi actually said this same thing before Obama did. She said to Republicans, with all the elegance and pomp of the queen bee she pictures herself, "We won. Get over it. We'll do it our way." That is two out of three Democrat leaders. Such attitudes of crowing over the defeated party are hardly conducive to working together. With Republicans already disenfranchised, why should they even try to be bi-partisan? Why spend the time to voice their ideas when they have already been notified these ideas won't be acted on?

Obama has gone on record that he would like this stimulus package passed by 80% of the Senators. There is a reason for this. It's because if the stimulus doesn't work, it won't look like the Democrats alone are responsible. In fact, the problems will undoubtedly be blamed on Republicans who voted yes for this abomination.

It is time for Republicans to abide by their conservative issues and not approve such a bloated, out-of-control, massive spending plan. Republicans know spending almost a trillion dollars with very few tax cuts IS NOT going to do anything to cure our financial ills, especially when most of the money is not going into the economy in the next two years. All this stimulus package is, is a glorified PORK PACKAGE. In fact, I got tickled the other day when someone asked a senator to assure him that no pork-barrel-bridges-to-nowhere would be attached to the bill. Of course they won't, because nothing needs to be attached. It's all included in the bill itself. States, cities, and large corporations are all lined up right now getting their finger in the pie.

Republican Lawmakers, see the handwriting on the wall. Expressing your ideas is only a token; you have not been included, nor will you be. Don't help Obama pass this outrage. Don't yield to Nancy Pelosi's high-handed ways of governing. Stand firm to your convictions and go on record that this bill is wrong for America. Conservative citizens, call your lawmakers and object before it's too late. America does not need this bill!

Carolyn J. Fosdick, retired teacher, artist, conservative ghostwriter, and author of I Ride A Wild Horse currently spends her time writing on conservative issues and politics that are affecting our American way of life. Visit her newest blog for some insightful and thought-provoking conservative views and for some solutions to some tough political questions.

Guantánamo - I agree with President Obama - it is time for a change!

In his May 21, 2009 speech on national security given at the National Archives in Washington D.C., President Obama stated:

 "there is also no question that Guantanamo set back the moral authority that is America's strongest currency in the world.  Instead of building a durable framework for the struggle against al Qaeda that drew upon our deeply held values and traditions, our government was defending positions that undermined the rule of law.  In fact, part of the rationale for establishing Guantanamo in the first place was the misplaced notion that a prison there would be beyond the law -- a proposition that the Supreme Court soundly rejected.  Meanwhile, instead of serving as a tool to counter terrorism, Guantanamo became a symbol that helped al Qaeda recruit terrorists to its cause.  Indeed, the existence of Guantanamo likely created more terrorists around the world than it ever detained". President Obama separated the Guantanamo detainees into the following five categories:

Those who have violated American criminal laws and can be tried in federal courts
Those who violate the laws of war and are therefore best tried through military commissions 
Those who have been ordered released by the courts
Those who we have determined can be transferred safely to another country
Those who cannot be prosecuted yet who pose a clear danger to the American people  

Mr. Obama went on to inform us that he was not going to release individuals who endanger the American people, and that there are likely to be a certain number of "detainees" that we will have to hold for an undetermined period of time. Apparently Mr. Obama has learned that it is far easier to make campaign promises and political speeches than it is to develop and execute a viable plan for dealing with this critical national security issue.

The President had barely taken his seat in the oval office before signing an executive order to close Guantanamo Bay. So let me see if I have this right --- ·        

We must close Guantanamo, and the President has so ordered
We can't just let all of the prisoners held there go free, they are too dangerous
We'll have to detain them somewhere, but we need to do it right this time
We must avoid creating a new symbol that al Qaeda can use to recruit terrorists

So how do we protect our citizens from the murderous attacks of radical Muslim terrorists and still achieve President Obama's apparent goal of getting the rest of the world to love us? It's a complex and tricky objective wouldn't you say? On the one hand we're fighting a war against terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda; you know, people who praise god as they slowly cut off the heads of helpless hostages; and on the other hand our current President and congressional leaders in the Democrat Party are obsessed with the need to play kissy face with the rest of the world, in a vain attempt to make everyone like us.

Hey, I think I have the answer. First we will need to use an old politician's trick and give our detention center an innocent sounding name that no one could possibly renounce. President Obama, I suggest you call it "The Temple of Temporary Residence for Goodness and Redemption".

I even have an idea for construction of a new facility to replace that evil place known as Gitmo (this is very important because we don't want to create a bad impression in the minds of our fellow members in the United Nations). Let's model it after the Disneyworld castle. Who could object to that?

The constant onslaught from so called mainstream media and Democrat leadership in Congress to paint Guantanamo Bay as some sort of medieval dungeon of torture has succeeded in giving our enemies a valuable propaganda tool. This change is guaranteed to result in an immediate recruiting crisis for al Qaeda, touch the hearts of those in the Iranian regime, and quickly restore our image throughout the Muslim world. We could even adorn the walls of the detainee cells guest rooms with life size portraits of Harry Reed, Nancy Pelosi, and  President Barack Hussein Obama.

No thanks necessary President Obama ... I'm just following your theme of  "Change we can believe in".

That's the way I see it - Al Lavallis

AL Lavallis is an author and political commentator. Mr Lavallis' latest book is titled "Myth and Hypocrisy Exposed: Why 90% of Black People Vote for Democrats", and is available thru Barnes and Noble as well as (ISBN: 9780557014736)

Read other articles and political commentary by AL Lavallis on his blog at

Points of interest on Democratic senators

The United States Senate is considered the ultimate club to join. With long, six-year terms and equal representation for each state (2 senators each), this house of Congress was designed to promote stability through substantive debate. In this 111th session of Congress, the upper house is currently has 57 Democratic Senators, 41 Republican Senators, and 2 Independents who generally align themselves with the Democratic majority.

The formal head of Senate Democrats is Vice-President Joe Biden. As vice-president, he serves ex officio as the president of the Senate. The arrangement is created in the U. S. Constitution, and generally is seen as an honorary position. The only time that the vice-president exercises any power in that role is when the vote tally is tied.

Ceremonially, there is also a president pro tempore; an honorary bestowed on the most senior senator, currently Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. The president pro tempore is the third person in line to succeed to the presidency behind the vice president and the House speaker.

Functionally, Senate leadership is vested in Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada. Reid oversees the day-to-day operation in this house of Congress. He assigns bills to the various committees for hearings and deliberations, calls for votes of legislation, and serves as the political focal point for Senate Democrats as chairman of their conference. His leadership role is supported Majority Whip Richard Durbin of Illinois, and conference Vice-Chair Charles Schumer of New York. The head of the Democratic senatorial fundraising efforts is Robert Menendez of New Jersey.

As an institution, the Senate has some specialized responsibilities outlined in the Constitution. It has the unique role of confirming presidential nominations to most senior government positions. Similarly, the Senate must ratify any treaties with foreign governments negotiated by the president. This process, known as advice and consent, was designed as a check on presidential power.

Additionally, the Senate plays a special role in the process of impeachment. An impeached official has been investigated by the House of Representatives, and formally charged with a set of crimes that can warrant removal from office. After that official has been impeached, a Senate trial is held to determine if that official should be removed, with the senators acting as the jury.

Another unique feature of the Senate is its filibuster rule. The rule allows the minority party to prevent debate on the floor so long as 41 senators agree. In the current Congress, Republicans use this rule to their advantage to slow and/or cut-off legislation that they do not support. For Senate Democrats to have their legislation voted on, they must get the support of 60 senators who will allow for the vote to occur (a process called cloture). After cloture, voting to pass the actual legislation only requires a simple majority (51 votes).

The Democrats tend to share a core set of public policy positions. Among those are an expansive role for the government in domestic affairs, such as the economy, education, and civil rights. Generally, they believe that the government can help promote fairness and equality. The Republican Party tends to argue that the government's involvement in these issues negatively impacts fairness and equality.

In the foreign policy realm, Democratic Senators tend to support a collaborative view based in diplomacy and international cooperation. The Republicans tend to support the idea that international interactions should be based in singular American power and leadership. Because of Senate rules and structure, the parties must work together to achieve their goals and advance their legislative agendas.

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So what are you hesitating? Visit my website to find the best advice on Democratic Senators for you.

Obama appears announced then Clinton A only Hope

Political pundits are beginning to sense an end to the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. Last week Peggy Noonan wrote a column questioning how gracious Hillary Clinton would be in defeat. This week Dick Morris predicted an eventual nomination victory for Barack Obama and the end of the pursuit of the White House by the former First Lady.

So are these pundits correct? Is the race for the Democratic party nomination over? Will it in fact be Barack Obama and John McCain in a race for the White House in the fall? Since at this point in the campaign it is all about the delegate count, let's look at the possibilities.

The delegate count after last night's Potomac Primaries is still very close with Obama leading Clinton by just 67 delegates (1242 to 1175) according to CBS News. The magic number for the Democratic Party Presidential nomination is 2025. Nevertheless the campaign of Hillary Clinton certainly appears to be in big trouble.

Hillary Clinton has lost every primary and caucus since Super Tuesday and her prospects for victory are slim for the rest of the month of February. She has loaned her campaign five million dollars according to various news reports. Her senior staff has been working without pay and her campaign is currently raising half of the amount of new campaign funds on a daily basis in comparison to the campaign of her opponent. She has just replaced her campaign manager.

The Clinton current campaign strategy is to conserve money and concede the remaining state primaries in February to Obama. The campaign is concentrating on winning the remaining primaries in March, April, and May. This would give Barack Obama substantial victories in all the remaining primaries in February (Hawaii, Wisconsin, and Washington). It should give him about 1300 total delegates on March 1, 2008.

This February election result would insure that Clinton would trail Obama by around 90 - 100 delegates entering the March 4, 2008 primary contests of Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont. She will have not beaten Obama in a primary or caucus for a month. To remain in the race, Clinton would need victories approaching 60% of the vote in every remaining state except Mississippi in the month of March. If she somehow pulled this result off she would have about 1436 delegates on April 1, 2007. Obama would win about 165 delegates and his total would be 1465. The dubious news for Hillary Clinton is that Obama would still remain ahead at the end of March in delegates even if Clinton ran the table in March and won each contest (except Mississippi) by a 60-40% margin.

In April, 151 delegates will be at stake in the state of Pennsylvania. Let's assume that Hillary Clinton wins that state with 60% of the vote and captures the same proportion of delegates. Her delegate total would be 1556 to Obama's 1522, giving her a slight lead in delegate count. There would be 214 remaining delegates for the candidates to battle for during the primaries in the month of May.

Therefore, for Hillary Clinton to regain the lead on pledged delegates from Obama, she needs to win all the primaries (except Mississippi) with at least 60% of the vote in March and April. She needs to win the primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Wyoming, and Pennsylvania. She needs to achieve these primary victories with 60% or more of the vote. She will be outspent by the Obama campaign since he is raising more money. She also needs to produce these victories after a month of non-stop primary losses. Clinton also must realize that this is the same dubious strategy that did not turn out well for Republican Rudy Giuliani at the beginning of the 2008 election season. Based on all these factors, her chance to secure the Democratic Party nomination at this point look like a long shot indeed.

It is true that there are still about 500 remaining Democratic Party super delegates that remain uncommitted to any candidate. These delegates are Democratic party members and insiders. The problem for Hillary Clinton is that these delegates will quickly jump aboard the campaign that looks like a winner during March. After the primaries on March 4, 2008, if Obama is still ahead by at least 100 delegates and has won most of the state primaries and caucuses ( he has won 23 of the 35 to date), the super delegates will begin to endorse him in significant numbers and the Democratic race will be all but over.

The fact is that Obama has been endorsed by too many Democratic party regulars to be a victim of a back room deal that would have most of the remaining super delegates endorse Hillary Clinton. Also, the Democratic party will be careful not to allow insiders to appear to overturn the actual voting results of the primary states. However, in a last desperate attempt to stave off defeat, Hillary Clinton will probably try to use the disqualified delegates in the Michigan and Florida primaries to her advantage. These delegates were disqualified because each state moved its primary forward in the 2008 election calendar. As a result of breaking party rules the states delegates are not currently included in the delegate totals of either candidate.

In general, Hillary Clinton has to hope she can stop Obama's political momentum very soon. Indeed, it now looks like she will be behind by nearly 100 delegates after all the February primaries are finished. One hundred delegates is a dangerous number to be trailing in this election year with the Democratic Party rule of proportionate allocation of the vote for each states delegates. Her only remaining hope is to run the table with big (twenty percentage point) wins in all the remaining primaries during the months of March, April, and May. However, her campaign's last stand may well turn out to be on March 4, 2008 in either Ohio or Texas.

It is interesting to see how things can change so quickly in politics. Six months ago, Hillary Clinton was the candidate of inevitability and Barack Obama was the candidate of hope. In February 2008, each candidate's prospects for the Democratic Presidential nomination are now exactly the reverse.

James William Smith has worked in Senior management positions for some of the largest Financial Services firms in the United States for the last twenty five years. He has also provided business consulting support for insurance organizations and start up businesses. He has always been interested in writing and listening to different viewpoints on interesting topics.

Visit his website at

President Obama, Democrats, the media - a combination of misunderstanding deliberate and economic Illiteracy

President Obama, has totally adopted the loathsome practice, so deeply embedded in the Democrat Party and the Nanny-State Media, of preaching the hate of Class Warfare/Class Envy.

President John F. Kennedy never did.

Unfortunately many uninformed Americans are taken in by LEFTIST deceit, so skillful at acting out Willful Misunderstanding, along with a serious helping of economic illiteracy.

Creating Legions of Victims and Victim Groups

Since LBJ's War on Poverty, which turned out to be more of a war on fathers living at home and more of a war on persistence and self-sufficiency, millions of the irresponsible, have gone on the dole, and stayed there for decades, now, stretching into generations.

Yet the drumbeat of victim hood, by Democrats and a Media interested only in Nanny-State-Activism, each under the guise of compassion, only reinforces this irresponsible behavior, encouraging its continuance.

This creates a double negative on America. We first must pay a hefty amount of our daily labor supporting these individuals, while simultaneously, the nation is robbed of their productivity and contribution to society, not the least of which is government revenues.

How Has This Happened

Partly by obscuring the LAWS OF ECONOMICS, more by engaging in Willful Misunderstanding, even outright deceit.

JFK Prioritized Free Market Success First and Foremost

JFK's legislation, immediately out of the box, emphatically stressed the need for government, to limit spending to necessities, making clear the absolute necessity of maximum investment capital remaining in the private sector to spur growth.

He knew the importance of an expanding pie for all to go after, through hard work and persistence so that the larger population and America as a whole would benefit.

Today's class warfare would have been abominable to JFK

"It is a paradoxical truth,'' he told the Economic Club of New York, in 1962, "that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.''

JFK--Economically Literate, no class warfare, no willful misunderstanding.

The young President proposed "an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes.'

Notice, top to bottom, tax cuts, for individuals--no class warfare/class envy. Tax cuts also for corporations, those evil entities that hear the constant vitriol of President Obama and those on the left.

"It {economic growth] could also be done by increasing Federal expenditures more rapidly than necessary, but such a course would soon demoralize both the Government and our economy."

Again Economically Literate, no class warfare, no Willful Misunderstanding.

What do Democrats fight endlessly for today?

The constant creation of victim groups, who receive other people's money, by filling out government forms (means-testing) rather than working for their money and becoming proud, self sufficient citizens.

Today's elected Democrats, constantly rely on phrases like "those without a voice" "those who can't help themselves" and "the working poor." This suggests that anyone who wants a voice, can't have one or anyone who wants to help himself, can't do so in America. Preposterous!

As to the working poor, does anyone know, even 1 American who has made responsible decisions in his/her life who is actually poor and stays so. Many responsible people have rough periods in their lives, but poor???

Even those classified by our federal government, as living below the poverty level, enjoy many everyday comforts, for example clean, spacious 3 bedroom homes, including air-conditioning, garages, porches or patios, 2 color TV's, at least 1 car and practically every other amenity including DVD'S or VCR'S. Our so-called poor, have more living space than "average" Europeans living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens and practically every other European city.

This data all comes from the United States Census Bureau.

There is just a tiny degree of destitution, in America and almost no undernourished adults or children, except for very short periods and among very, very few. Obesity among children, dwarfs, lack of nourishment.

Economics In One Lesson

One of the most widely read and respected ECONOMICS books, over the last 30 years is Henry Hazlitt's ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON, in which Mr. Hazlitt declares the entire matter of sound economics can be reduced to the following:

"The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

The examples of redistribution of the earnings of those who actually pay net taxes, to Democrat special interests, has become egregious, to an almost unimaginable degree.

Public employees unions, low income workers, high school dropouts, out of wedlock mothers--have made a complete mockery of the above principal and American principals in general.

Public Employee Unions

Public employees salaries and benefits represent a whopping $200 billion dollar plus drain, on the federal treasury. These employees openly declare they are underpaid and fight like fierce warriors to increase not only their salary and benefits but their power in the Democrat Party and they succeed.

February 2010 data shows that in this deep recession the Obama Administration has added, more than 143,000 NEW federal civilian workers, now averaging above $110, 000 a year in salary and benefits and of course 143,000 new Democrat voters.

The percentage of federal civil servants earning more than $100,000 a year has risen from 14% to 19% during the first year and a half of the recession, according to USA Today. At the beginning of the recession, the Transportation Department had one person making $170,000 or more a year; now it has 1,690 making that.

Whereas private sector workers, directly create 100% of all wealth at no cost to taxpayers and instead pay taxes, public employees, directly create no wealth, thus are a "net" whopping expense to taxpayers.

Federal civilian workers earn more than double the amount of those who pay them--private sector workers. This becomes a case of the boss (private sector workers) making half the amount of their employees (government workers).

Low Income Workers

Low levels of parental work and high levels of out-of-wedlock childbearing with accompanying single parenthood, resulted in redistributing $714 billion in welfare (means-tested programs) in 2008.

The average so-called poor family with children, typically works an average, of just 16 hours per week. What is the equation here? 16 hour work week=little earnings=much welfare.

Nearly two-thirds of poor children live in single-parent homes. promoting soaring, out-of-wedlock childbearing in low-income communities. When LBJ's War on Poverty began, 7% of American children were born out of wedlock; today it's 39%.

The blatant violation of Hazlitt's basic economic principal, which is, benefits must be lasting and serve all groups equally, results from most government projects today. These projects temporarily look good and feel good but mostly benefit politically connected states, political parties, government workers through their unions but mostly congressmen/women, who get rich, powerful and reelected; some for their entire working lives. Many give the appearance of being a plus but often in the long run, result in a negative from a cost/benefit analysis.

Some of these projects, if awarded fairly to private sector companies, might create some new wealth but properly allocating investment capital, outside the free market and free of favortism, has a very dubious history.

President Obama's special interest, reckless spending has outraged the American population, including overwhelming numbers of unaffiliated voters, to the extent that even the solidly Democrat state of Massachusetts, rebelled when it elected a Republican to the seat formerly held by Ted Kennedy.

With President Obama Redistribution is King

President Obama fervently believes in taking from those who earn, to redistribute to those who don't. His speeches and statements can be found everywhere, proving it.

In July 2008, Pres. Obama promised to triple the Earned Income Tax Credit, which would take the maximum benefit from $5663 to $16, 989. The EITC is a total welfare program. This would simply take $16, 989 from someone who earned it at work and give it to someone who did nothing to actually earn it--absolutely nothing.

When Liberal news anchor, Charlie Gibson asked in 2008 why Mr. Obama wanted to raise capital gains tax rates, stating that historically, when rates rise, revenues to government decline, and that always, when rates dropped, revenues to government increased:

The president told Gibson, what he would later tell Joe The Plumber--it was a matter of fairness.

In a 2001 radio interview, in Chicago, President Obama, talked about the Civil Rights movement not focusing enough on community organizing as the means to bring about "redistributive change"

This all proves unequivocally that he believes it's alright for the larger population to have less and be forced to give to his perceived victims.

The so called-Stimulus Package has given us new Orwellian 1984 NEWSPEAK (Saved Jobs). No new wealth is being created under this huge addition to the deficit and total debt. It will more likely drain wealth, causing a shrinking pie for an expanding population.

Unfortunately the national microphone is heavily dominated by the LEFT; the MEDIA, the PUBLIC SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES, presently Congress and the White House, Book Publishers and Hollywood.

There must be a way, America can work on helping these groups end their economic illiteracy, along with the practice of willful misunderstanding. Maybe we can persuade them to read ECONOMICS IN ONE LESSON.

Mick McNesby is a former tax advisor, consultant and negotiator. He was a frequent guest on political talk shows in Atlantic City, N.J., discussing the benefits of the lower cost of government. He can be visited at

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