Saturday, July 31, 2010

Democratic policies - policies be reasonable, and do my path!

Democratic political policies are a long ways away from reaching across the isle to the Republican political policies. Even though President Obama is giving a lot of lip service to including Republicans in planning what to include in the $850 thousand plus stimulus package, it is obvious that his mind is already made up and he has his package already planned. This is seen by the words he mouthed just the other day, "I won. I'm President. It'll be my way."

Nancy Pelosi actually said this same thing before Obama did. She said to Republicans, with all the elegance and pomp of the queen bee she pictures herself, "We won. Get over it. We'll do it our way." That is two out of three Democrat leaders. Such attitudes of crowing over the defeated party are hardly conducive to working together. With Republicans already disenfranchised, why should they even try to be bi-partisan? Why spend the time to voice their ideas when they have already been notified these ideas won't be acted on?

Obama has gone on record that he would like this stimulus package passed by 80% of the Senators. There is a reason for this. It's because if the stimulus doesn't work, it won't look like the Democrats alone are responsible. In fact, the problems will undoubtedly be blamed on Republicans who voted yes for this abomination.

It is time for Republicans to abide by their conservative issues and not approve such a bloated, out-of-control, massive spending plan. Republicans know spending almost a trillion dollars with very few tax cuts IS NOT going to do anything to cure our financial ills, especially when most of the money is not going into the economy in the next two years. All this stimulus package is, is a glorified PORK PACKAGE. In fact, I got tickled the other day when someone asked a senator to assure him that no pork-barrel-bridges-to-nowhere would be attached to the bill. Of course they won't, because nothing needs to be attached. It's all included in the bill itself. States, cities, and large corporations are all lined up right now getting their finger in the pie.

Republican Lawmakers, see the handwriting on the wall. Expressing your ideas is only a token; you have not been included, nor will you be. Don't help Obama pass this outrage. Don't yield to Nancy Pelosi's high-handed ways of governing. Stand firm to your convictions and go on record that this bill is wrong for America. Conservative citizens, call your lawmakers and object before it's too late. America does not need this bill!

Carolyn J. Fosdick, retired teacher, artist, conservative ghostwriter, and author of I Ride A Wild Horse currently spends her time writing on conservative issues and politics that are affecting our American way of life. Visit her newest blog for some insightful and thought-provoking conservative views and for some solutions to some tough political questions.

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