Saturday, May 15, 2010

Display shameful day

8: 50 O'CLOCK

Today at 1: 30 A.m., an Eastern time Senators John Kerry (D - MA) and Joe Lieberman (-CT) is fifth host a press conference, announcing the reinvention of the Senate "Cap and trade" global warming legislation since 2003, the "American power law" called American energy capture instead be right reasons clearly temporarily.

The achieved, point of conversion, which is expected to equity, due to convince dozens that mass of interest focus in fact is obviously groups witness for all that is wrong with Washington and anger that Americans have become increasingly.

At this Conference press, Kerry French.and both Lieberman have previously specified, will insist that your plan is not "cap and trade" because... this time to use Word wollen.Kerry has also said that "this is a draft of law on the environment.It seems that the public is not buy this argument, or by what really about what appeals to the you.Just what the previous four times attempts, this power was drop tomb shows a summary of the law last usted.Salvo is also cover — the worst. trade and.And contains thousands of dollars per year in tax revenues from gas for transfers of wealth which are these companies therefore in favour.

They hide latest efforts, enormous control and transferring wealth - ensures a unilateral measure jobs to Mexico to China, India, Philippines, and elsewhere - sent to this legislature by many representatives of the big Green.Incluye be surrounded not only industry rich peer pressure, but many of the "big business", of which Stifterfiguren are many enable, that this enormous lobby deter heads wage and giant PR quotes you to accept a calendar, which of the Member State curiously enrich these same companies used supports EH?

Senator Lieberman has repeated the extent of organized Scrum today prove verlachte which the schema is now a good idea.His animation does not exist, the fact is you are displayed on the table if its wealth and prospects have been divvied.

Jump the reason so many companies still on the stage is the dog that certainly is not bark when media report present industry control transmission and the richness of the enormous energy of people: why do?

The answer is, because a segment of the booty taken from the average taxpayer promised and ratepayer.detalle company and cash in this scheme in my new book how "energy journal".for tips example should expect you Exelon.This utility based in Chicago today are expected to represent both individually by its CEO and its trade that was have Institute of nuclear energy (NIS) map hopes that increased additional, if the plan announced today more than a billion dollars in profits for all the pasadas.Su which would only cost lobbying capital investment.

It is organized an empresa.Pero surprises by politicians, promedio.La comes from American families even company supports the sordid mess in an article in Forbes since early this year:

"" "Exelon needs legislation happen earlier than tarde.Sin a price of carbon some way Exelon assets is not so bright..."The Conundrums are real""

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Tax recognition duel: tea party WINS

10: 53 O'CLOCK

USAToday yesterday published a note on the tea party had a piece on taxes.

Some conservative political movements such as "Tea" party, out of control.Mientras da criticized expenditure to federal expenditure control fell at exceptionally low levels.

Federal, State, and including income, property, sales, and other control - 9.2% consume local tax personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950, the Office of economic analysis reports....

The idea that taxes are high now quite type, is, said Michael Ettlinger, head of economic policy to the Liberals for American progress.

Of course, USAToday and Cap have the wrong facts and is entitled to the tea party.

Kevin Drum of Mother Jones, a party, per tea, demurs, recognize that all State payroll taxes including close 30 percent 10 per ciento.Tino take the entire BiSS brings Sanandaji USAToday Figure 9.2 percent reached explained by simply leave all tax statement from the reflection and, if you all revenue of the Government the BEA informed the correct figure is 30.2 percent.

Is the disgust his political opponents as stupid if you use these tricks and uninformed.For portrays example presented, USA Hoy follower of tea party as ignorante, because you against taxes only protested, 9.2 percent, are the lowest in 60 years and is just a problem with the history decline.The that taxes are not additional only 9.2 percent on average are the lowest in the 1960s, and rates not want to reject.

Thinking also that while income while rates same, simply because the companies and people are more pobres.De according to economic theory control society fails a recession tax burden is effectively control, not tax rates.

Finally, the burden of the Government contains shortcomings, which is the mucked because you consider prudent and future imposed on sind.Was will only delay (with interest) Partiers tea?

The last point is more importante.En 2009 the total public expenditure more was 40 per cent of income nacionales.Una or otherwise the tax rate is really that the Americans finally face.

Is to be expected, that a liberal think tank economist and finance in a newspaper reporter his experience, tea, Partiers topic come from all professions know and if left reports are correct, are backward ignorante and racistas.Y, but somehow it doesn't.


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